Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Do you like Pakistani food?

I posted a quick review of a new takeout location in Calgary I sampled this evening, Lahore Tikka and Karahi house. Take a read, support the cause. This is excellent, fresh, good value food.

Read it at the best kept secret for food information - chowhound.

Friday, January 14, 2005

The business of ideas

Matthew 5:5 - "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."

This may work for you spiritual types, but I think the New Testament doesn't know squat about business.

I was having a conversation with a friend today about a potential business idea, when a few thoughts dawned upon me. Starting a business is not about the perfect idea. These people (me included), have it all wrong.

Let me provide an example:

You see, if I had to describe something that I am good at, one of the first things I would state would be creating ideas. Crazy ideas, off the wall ideas, decent ideas. Capitalistic, socialistic, things I understand, and even things I do not - I have ideas about all of them (having ideas is often mistaken for I have *opinions* about everything, which can occasionally make me seem like a bit of a jackass, but it isn't always the case, I swear!). I love thinking and dreaming of new things, new possibilities, inventions and improvements to the world we live in.

The problem is, there is no job for dreaming. There is no way to make a living . If this were a perfect communist society, my job would be Comrade Rodin. But it isn't. We all have to make a living, and in a perfect piece of irony, I make my living managing, planning, and explaining the little details, not ideas.

So of the 100 or so viable business ideas I have dreamed of, the net result is nothing. Zilch. Zero. Why? Because I have been meek. When it comes to seizing opportunities, I have hoped, even dreamed of inheriting the earth in a metaphorical sense, while exhibiting behaviour that can only be characterized as meek. I let ideas slip by, and watch them come to fruition - borne on the fruits of someone else's labour.

Why no action? Because I never felt any of these ideas were perfect. They all had flaws, problems, and inherent weaknesses. Doesnt it only make sense that flawed ideas would not make a good business model? Wrong.

I have heard mention that to start a business, you need the right idea. I disagree. Ideas are free. Intellectual capital exists only because effort, time, and resources (ETR) provide value to that intellectual capital. Ideas on their own have little intrinsic value. Businesses do not need the perfect idea - they need people willing to commit ETR to crafting a business out of an idea. I would even go as far to say almost any idea would suffice.

Now, not all ideas are created equal - obviously some ideas require more ETR than others to "mature" - create sufficient business value . But i would propose that:

Idea Value/Optimal Idea Value * (effort + time + resources) = business value

Clearly, an idea without effort, time and resources has no business value, no matter how optimal it is. Based on this model, you don't require the perfect idea to generate business value, you can increase the amount of time, effort, or resources. A business does not require the perfect idea.

So I say, you're out of date Matthew. The meek shall not inherit the earth. Dreamers shall stand idly by while the aggressive seize opportunities. There is no business in ideas. There is only business in action. And in business, act is something that anyone can do - you are not limited by the value of your ideas.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I, Robot

In general, there's nothing quite like a list of relative rankings or predictions to arouse the ire, anger, disagreement, hatred, or downright hostility of the masses. So for all you tech heads, love it or hate it, Bob Cringley - "the insider" as he likes to think of himself, has weighed in on what to expect for 2005.

For those keeping score, I agree on 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and disagree on the rest.

No time for any incendiary comments at the moment - got a nap and a ball game.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Other than the annoying previews (racing zebra? C'mon), i have nothing but superlatives to describe the movie The Incredibles tonight. More than just a movie, this was a pop-culture phenomenom. It pays homage to every good saturday morning cartoon and super-hero, James Bond, science fiction, and fantasy movie of our generation. Subtle use of music, combined with not so subtle use of scenes ripped straight from the source, this was a very Tarantino-esque, Wachowski brothers type tribute to popular culture. If you havent seen it, put aside any misgivings and get yourself down to a theatre.

News for all you Matrix fans who laud the movie for being so visionary, visual, revolutionary, and paradigm defining, have a gander at this news article regarding the visionary Wachowski brothers. I don't know why this is such a pet peeve for me, but while i enjoyed the first Matrix, the amount of praise heaped on the un-talented brothers has always irked me. Their ideas are not new, original, are not revolutionary, and were definitely not a defining moment of our time. They made a good movie with a stolen plot line, and followed it up with two very uninspired sequels. Im not trying to take anything away from The Matrix - but call a spade a spade. Of course, i still subscribe to the theory that the movie was stolen from the Invisibles (graphic novel) - but that's probably because my former room-mate owns a comic book store, and has polluted my mind.

"Guns, lots of guns". Love that line.

Lastly, what the heck has happened to the price of Banh Mi in Calgary?! While i appreciate increased quality of ingredients, the best redeeming feature was, in my opinion, the $2.00 price point. I had a Spicy Sate Chicken from Thai Tai (17th Avenue, ~5th Street) tonight which was good, but cost $4.85. The days of 2 for 5 bucks is over, and I for one lament the passing of those days. Banh Mi Thi Thi is still my favorite, but the lineups are insane. If anyone knows of a better place, let me know. Im always looking.

New Year's Resolution - Welcome to the 21st Century

For someone who works in a high tech industry, I am a surprisngly low tech individual. This is my resolution to get up to date with my generation my century. Better yet, it provides me with a forum to try all the things im interested in doing, with none of the risk of committing to life changing events.

Im embracing the information age. Share and share away. Private knowledge is harmful to the public health. Disclosure is the new buzz word dujour. French is passe.

In some of the blogs i've read, there are a surprising number of astute, educated individuals with viewpoints that interest, astound, surprise, shock, entertain, educate. I am not one of those individuals, and this is not one of those blogs. I don't claim to be interesting, astounding, or educated. This is a view of my dreaming, scheming, and planning. My passions and pet-peeves. My Larium-induced dreams. My politically incorrect views. Love or hate my opinions, but have one yourself.

I'll see you all just now...